Training Accountability
Player Training Log is for you the coach and you the player. We have designed a system that brings together the best of modern technology whilst also allowing people to train with their group no matter where they are in the world. Using gps and time allocation systems you need never miss a training session again.

A little of what we offer
Player Training Log ( PTL ) has come from the need for players to train away from the group from time to time whilst coaches can see in real time that the training sessions have been completed. The APP is set up so that the player is given a definitive time and location for their training and they log in on site through a fingerprint analysis and gps system. The training session and any notes are uploaded on to the APP by the coach and once the session is completed the player logs out of the APP and the report is sent automatically in real time to the coach that the session is completed.
The Coach and management team can see in real time whether the player has logged in for the session and has completed it and also as an added feature is the coach can see that the player has read the training module once it has been sent.
Player accountability is key to any successful squad and this APP hold players to the highest standard and keeps them monitored by the coach even if they cannot train with the group. Reports of training modules and sessions are kept on a data base and are strictly private to view by the management team.
As an added bonus, group training attendances can be kept on the Management admin panel so there will be no more time wasting checking players in to training, all they need to do is log into the APP once they arrive on to the training area.
Management logs of trainings, modules and attendances are infinite and have a definitive search engine that allows the coach to view a particular players attendance going right back to the first time that the APP training session was used. All this can be done from the management consule that can be viewed from a PC / Laptop/ Tablet or mobile device.
Real time analysis and accountability makes for a successful squad. contact us today to allow us to help you reach your sporting potential.